Thursday, July 5, 2012

6th Edition CSM Rules Question

Do csm d. princes count as flying monsterous creatures or jump infantry? It says in the Chaos FAQ that wings add jump to the unit type, but if a monsterous creature can fly, isnt it a "flying monsterous creature" and should follow those rules?


Michael Hogan said...

Now, "Jump" is a template that can be added to any type of model. So you can have Jump Infantry, Jump Beasts, Jump Monstrous Creatures and so on.

A CSM Daemon Prince is a Jump Monstrous Creature. This does not mean it is flying, however, and thus just gets a 12" jump move in the movement phase.

Tylermenz said...

That is pretty much the same answer that I got, look to see it changed in the new edition.

on the bright side id does move 12" and get to reroll charge rolls. It also gets a lot of the same special rules as the flying mon. creature.

lil will said...

Ok that clears things up. Although I think its kinda crazy that it wouldn't count as a flying monstrous creature. I mean in the white dwarf they even play it as one in the battle report!

DustFilledAutomaton said...

in the Spanish FAQ the Daemon Prince with Wings is a flying monstrous creature. Its just the Daemon Princes that speak English that are not.

lil will said...

Thanks i didnt know that. Why would they make it like that?