Lets just say someone (not me) who had a mostly assault army (berzerkers mostly), needed to replace a unit (defiler-150pts) in order to get some sort of unit that has access to heavy firepower...
1) Chosen
They have access to meltaguns, plasmas, flamers etc.. and can infiltrate or outflank (it may mean the same thing but i dont remember). It is an effective unit, especialy since the list that they have is a more straightfoward army. Having outflanking chosen with meltas would really make the opponent have to divert their forces.
2) Obliterators
Obviously their great, but since the person(not me)only have 150 pts to spend, that will only give him/her 2. Not enough in my opinion since they get killed by strength 8 and 9 weapons fairly easy.
3) Terminators
They dont really carry much besides combi meltas and heavy flamers, but they can definatly turn the game around if used right.
remember, they ony have 150 points to spend..
So what do you guys think is better? Is there a unit i missed? This person really needs help!
Effectiveness wise, the Oblits are probably the best deal. Wouldn't worry too much about survivability - the stuff that really worries them (lascannons, multimeltas) would scrap the defiler just as easily, and the Oblits at least get an invuln save, and are much easier to find cover for. Against things like missile launchers and anything weaker they get their 2+ armor. Killing them "fairly easily" is still going to be hard. And anyways, if they're devoting that heavy firepower at two oblits, that just means less that's devoted to taking out berzerker rhinos.
A Vindicator can be another option. Nasty large blast, which can be handy vs. some units that can give the zerkers trouble, and early on the AV13 can lead the way, helping shelter Rhinos behind it. Weak flanks and a weapon destroyed result reduce it to a 145pt tank shock, but if it even gets one good shot off at a powerful unit it can be well worth it.
The best bet would be to go for Obliterators.
However, if the person likes to live on the edge, they could take a dreadnought with TL-Lascannon and ML. Same armor as a Defiler. Cost with extra armor is 140....but they do have the crazed rule.
honestly I would say chosen. because they have a certain psychological aspect to them that makes people deploy differently,and if they don't you can abuse that by thowing 4 meltas from the table edges at them.also in mission 3 the one I played with Matt outflank is key in table quarters.Due to the fact of you can come on and hold an unoccupied quarter with your 150 point unit.What I would also recommend is summoned lesser daemons they are great at holding objectives or adding support for your advancing chaos squads.
Unfortunately without looking at the rest of this "persons" list it is hard to day. In a vacuum Oblits are generally best however, each has its uses. The issue I see is that one of any of these is not going to help all that much. Given that my next question is are the other 2 heavy slots filled? If not I would say that the person should go for 2 units of one Oblit. That way they can fire at separate targets and they survive better as they cannot be fired at by one unit and killed.
Thank guys, it seems that oblits would probably be the best choice. They are pretty tough to kill and can dish out some serious firepower. Maybe i was a little bit parinoid about their toughness 4?
A unit that can't be "taken out" in a single shot, like a dread, defiler, etc. can. In the tourney if you play an older codex like we both do, we need to plan of facing 10+ las and 10+ missile shots a turn. Big point vehicles that arent AV 14 are not the best way to spend the points. Neither are chosen- they are expensive for what they do and if they outflank they will "kill" one unit and then they are done getting gunned down next turn. I'd look into the points for oblits or terminators with combi-meltas. Roll them up with Abby, get out, combi melta said vehicle, and then assault the dudes inside.
Well, now i think i have my list...
You know, I think a better option would just be to replace a Berzerker squad with a 10 man CSM squad with MoK, 2 meltas and a combi-melta. If you can get multiple units of this type into the list, all the better.
Another option which I love is a 3 man terminator squad with 3 combi-meltas deep striking in. Suicide you say? You'd be surprised actually ... especially if you do it with 3 squads ...
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